Executive Protection
Blackwater es la compañia lider en Mexico y Latinoamerica en sevicios de proteccion ejecutuva.Nuestros guardaespaldas han sido entrenados en Colombia, Estados Unidos e Israel.Hemos brindado seguridad a Celbridades,Politicos y Grandes Empresarios
El area de capacitación de Blackwater esta enfocada a capacitar personal de policia, investigadores y escoltas .
Nuestros instructores constantemente se actualizan en las técnicas mas modernas para garantizar que nuestros cursos sean de clase mundial.
El catalogo de cursos cuenta con mas de 120 temas, desde el nuevo sistema penal acusatorio hasta cursos de alta especialidad .
Blackwater tiene la flota mas moderna de vehículos blindados nivel 5.
Esta flota se encuentra disponible para renta por día,semana o mes.
Contamos con Suburbans,Cherokees y BMW X5
Con mas de 20 años de experiencia manejando eventos especiales Blackwater garantizara que su evento sea seguro y excitoso.
Organizamos toda la seguridad y logística medica para su evento VIP.
Somos la unica empresa con ambulancias aéreas y terrestres propias.
Realizamos investigaciones privadas en Mexico y Latino America.
Nuestros servicios incluyen:
Investigaciones de Entorno
Estudios socio -económicos
Antecedentes Criminales
Antecedentes Civiles
Investigation de Negocios
localización de personas
vigilancia electronica
Guardian can help you create a robust security environment with services that include threat assessments, policy review and development, and master planning.
Security decisions you make today can determine your organization’s security and resilience for years to come. Our comprehensive security consulting services enable you to feel more confident about the actions you take to protect your family, office, employees, operations, facilities, and assets.
Our global security consultants have decades of experience advising private clients and corporations across industries that range from construction, manufacturing, and transportation to education, hospitality, and government.
Crisis Response Planning and Operations is tasked with the overall planning, organization and coordination of crisis related activities, including preparedness, monitoring and response. In particular, the Division has the responsibility to undertake specific missions in crisis areas,to closely follow developments in the world in order to enable us to respond to potential and emerging crises at short notice..Our Situation Room is the crises centre that provides worldwide monitoring and current situation awareness 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round.
Because of our multi-disciplinary expertise and holistic approach to intelligence, we provide the ability to:
Aggregate comprehensive information from our exclusive global network of resources.
Sift through vast amounts of data and unstructured information, providing you with uniquely focused situational awareness.
Apply the synthesis and analysis methodologies needed to properly prepare for, and effectively respond to, rapidly changing global conditions.
Our Intelligence Services are overseen by highly-experienced and trained individuals with backgrounds in civilian and military intelligence, as well as traditional security fields.
In the event an emergency situation occurs and you are in imminent danger while traveling in a foreign country, we will arrange for you and your dependents to be evacuated immediately to a place of safety.
Reasons for non medical, security or political evacuations include:
natural disasters
civil uprisings, military coups, or political unrest
identification as a persona non grata or being expelled from the country you are visiting
A security evacuation is typically necessary in the event of an impending natural disaster such as a hurricane. A political evacuation is for situations of political unrest and military action.
After the danger has cleared, you and your dependents will either be returned home or back to the destination from which you were evacuated.

Av. de las Américas 1500, Country Club, 44610 Guadalajara, Jal.TEL
Glades Road Suite 100,
Boca Raton, FL 33434
Tel: 305-504-1093

Av. de las Américas 1500, Country Club, 44610 Guadalajara, Jal
7777 Glades RD Suite 100 Boca Raton FL 33434